
Signets de la rentrée 2024 – French Back to school Bookmarks | Marque-pages


French welcome back to school 2024 bookmarks – Marque-pages, Signets de la Rentrée


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Looking for a small but personal welcome gift for your new class of students? French welcome back to school 2024 bookmarks – Marque-pages, Signets de la Rentrée, that are perfect to gift to students on the first day of school !


✅ Included:

18 different bookmarks

Your students will love colouring these back to school 2024 bookmarks.


❓How to use:

In the PDF, You will find sheets of 4 or 5 bookmarks. Print, laminate, and cut out for bookmarks that will last all year!


✅ Inclus :

18 signets différents

Vos élèves adoreront colorier ces marque-pages ou signets de la rentrée 2023.


❓Comment utiliser :

Dans le PDF, vous trouverez des planches de 4 ou 5 marque-pages. Imprimez, plastifiez et découpez des marque-pages qui dureront toute l’année !