
French Phonics Activities BOOM CARDS | Sons Complexes G dur G doux


🧡 Activité pour travailler les graphèmes [g] [gu] et comprendre l’ utilisation du u devant le g

💚 French Phonics activity to work on the graphemes G dur G doux


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Introducing the French Phonics Activities BOOM CARDS, focusing on the complex sounds of G dur G doux (hard or soft G). This innovative tool is designed to solidify their understanding of these phonetic nuances in a fun, digital format.

Embark on a linguistic journey where each student will:

  1. Listen to audio clips that summarize the sounds.
  2. Categorize words based on their corresponding sounds.
  3. Revisit the audio to reinforce the rule of using ‘u’ before ‘g’.
  4. Drag and drop to select the correct spelling of the missing syllable (g or gu).

With 26 self-correcting cards, your students are empowered to learn at their own pace while receiving immediate feedback on their progress. This autonomy not only enhances learning but also boosts confidence in their abilities.

Our French Phonics Activities BOOM CARDS are crafted with accessible language and industry-specific terminology, honed by an SEO focus on “g dur g doux.” The varied sentence structure keeps the description concise yet impactful, presenting information clearly and in an organized manner.

No more mundane repetition or confusion over when to use “g” versus “gu” – these activities make mastering French phonics a breeze! The direct narrative style ensures that educators and learners alike understand the value and function of this educational resource.

Perfect for students in French first-language programs or immersion, this tool supports your curriculum’s innovative and community-oriented values. It is precisely what you need to foster a supportive and engaging learning environment. Dive into the world of French phonics with our BOOM CARDS, where mastering ‘g dur’ and ‘g doux’ becomes an adventure in every click!


⭐ Voici une activité qui permettra à vos élèves de français langue première ou immersion de travailler le son [g] et de comprendre l’ utilisation du u devant le g

L’ élève va:

1. écouter l’audio qui récapitule les sons

2. classer les mots selon les sons

3. écouter l’audio qui récapitule la règle du u devant le g

4. faire glisser la bonne orthographe de la syllabe manquante (g ou gu)


Les 26 cartes sont autocorrectives.


⭐⭐ Pourquoi choisir BOOM CARDS

  • INTERACTIF: activité sous forme de jeu qui garde l’élève motivé et concentré
  • AUTOCORRECTIF: économie du temps, enregistre le score des élèves
  • SANS PAPIER: pas besoin de couper, laminer, etc… peut-être utilisé pour un enseignement en ligne

Le compte de base BOOM est gratuit. Vous pouvez choisir de vous abonner, ce qui vous permettra d’avoir une trace de chaque participation (temps passé, erreurs, score, synchronisation avec Google Classroom, etc…)

⭐⭐ Why choosing BOOM CARDS

  • INTERACTIVE: game features keep the student engaged and motivated
  • SELF-GRADING: save a lot of time, track students’ grades
  • PAPERLESS: no cutting, laminating, can be used for distance learning

The BOOM LEARNING starter account is free. You can upgrade your account which allows you to monitor students (time spent, errors, score, synchronisation with Google Classroom, etc…)



By purchasing this resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of French for Digital and licensed to you only for classroom / personal use as a single user. I retain the copyright, and reserve all rights to this product. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



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