
BUNDLE Parts of Speech in French BOOM CARDS Classe Nature des mots


Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.00.

Our BUNDLE Parts of Speech in French BOOM CARDS ( Classe ou Nature des mots) is perfect for students, educators, and language enthusiasts keen on refining their French grammar skills.

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⭐Our BUNDLE Parts of Speech in French BOOM CARDS ( Classe ou Nature des mots) is your ultimate learning companion! Designed to fortify your understanding of essential grammatical components, this engaging bundle is perfect for students, educators, and language enthusiasts keen on refining their French language skills.

Dive into 8 meticulously crafted decks featuring a total of 188 self-correcting cards that transform learning into an interactive experience. Each deck is focused on a specific part of speech, including nouns, articles, adjectives, verbs, personal pronouns, relative pronouns, and adverbs – all essential building blocks of fluent and accurate French communication.

This comprehensive resource supports learners in consolidating their grasp on the nature of words within the beautiful context of the French language. The BOOM CARDS format brings a modern twist to language practice, allowing for instant feedback that is both innovative and supportive. Users can study at their own pace while enjoying the convenience of technology-assisted education tailored to the digital age.

Ensemble pour travailler la classe des mots ou la nature grammaticale (noms communs, noms propres, articles, adjectifs, verbes, pronoms personnels, pronoms relatifs et adverbes )


Cliquez sur chaque produit pour en savoir plus.

8 DECKS – 188 cartes autocorrectives.

⭐⭐ Pourquoi choisir BOOM CARDS

  • INTERACTIF: activité sous forme de jeu qui garde l’élève motivé et concentré
  • AUTOCORRECTIF: économie du temps, enregistre le score des élèves
  • SANS PAPIER: pas besoin de couper, laminer, etc… peut-être utilisé pour un enseignement en ligne

Le compte de base BOOM est gratuit. Vous pouvez choisir de vous abonner, ce qui vous permettra d’avoir une trace de chaque participation (temps passé, erreurs, score, synchronisation avec Google Classroom, etc…)

⭐⭐ Why choosing BOOM CARDS

  • INTERACTIVE: game features keep the student engaged and motivated
  • SELF-GRADING: save a lot of time, track students’ grades
  • PAPERLESS: no cutting, laminating, can be used for distance learning

The BOOM LEARNING starter account is free. You can upgrade your account which allows you to monitor students (time spent, errors, score, synchronisation with Google Classroom, etc…)

By purchasing this resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of Digital for French and licensed to you only for classroom / personal use as a single user. I retain the copyright, and reserve all rights to this product. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Ce document est à l’usage exclusif de la personne qui en a acheté les droits et ne peut être utilisé que pour votre classe et à titre personnel. Toute reproduction, en partie ou partielle, est strictement défendue. Digital For French vous remercie pour votre compréhension et votre confiance.