
French phonics Blending sounds | Sons voyelles simples BOOM CARDS & Printable


🧡 Looking for a low-prep, engaging activity for students to practice French phonics and blending sounds with simple vowel sounds ? This digital and printable activity is the perfect way for to to start decoding and blending consonants with a – e – i – o – u with your French Immersion students

💚 Voici une activitĂ© qui permettra Ă  vos Ă©lĂšves de consolider les sons voyelles simples a – e – i – o – u et de commencer le dĂ©codage et la fusion avec certaines consonnes.


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⭐ Looking for a low-prep, engaging activity for students to practice French phonics and blending sounds with simple vowel sounds ? This digital and printable activity is the perfect way for to to start decoding and blending consonants with a – e – i – o – u with your French Immersion students | Voici une activitĂ© qui permettra Ă  vos Ă©lĂšves de consolider les sons voyelles simples a – e – i – o – u et de commencer le dĂ©codage et la fusion avec certaines consonnes.


Your students will drag the right blend in the word (visual support too). It will enable them to blend b+a = /ba/

The self-checking digital activity allows students to learn to decode and read independently. You can preview this game here

You will also find printable versions: one to be laminated and re-use or one to be given as a worksheet (print in black and white)


This product is part of a Phonics Bundle! Purchase the Bundle & Save!

⭐ BUNDLE French Phonics BOOM CARDS Sons Voyelles Simples

⭐This activity is has also been created in Google Slides

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⭐ French BOOM CARDS Syllabes d’attaque | Initial or Beginning Sounds

⭐ French Syllables Counting | BOOM CARDS Compter Syllabes



Cette activité autocorrective et numérique permettra à vos élÚves de décoder et lire en autonomie. Vous pouvez avoir un aperçu du jeu ici

Ce produit fait partie d’un ensemble. Achetez l’ensemble pour Ă©conomiser

⭐ BUNDLE French Phonics BOOM CARDS Sons Voyelles Simples

⭐Cette activitĂ© a aussi Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©e pour Google Slides

Produits associés

⭐ BUNDLE French Phonics GOOGLE SLIDES Sons Voyelles Simples

⭐ French BOOM CARDS with audio Le SON des VOYELLES SIMPLES

⭐ French BOOM CARDS Syllabes d’attaque | Initial or Beginning Sounds

⭐ French Syllables Counting | BOOM CARDS Compter Syllabes



By purchasing this resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of Digital For French and licensed to you only for classroom / personal use as a single user. I retain the copyright, and reserve all rights to this product. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.