
French Phonics Sound É | GOOGLE SLIDES | Sons Phonologie


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⭐ Here is a French phonics activity to work on the sound É. This GOOGLE SLIDES activity is great for your French Immersion students to develop their phonological awareness in Grade 1 or 2 | Fall Themed with a leaf hunt game.


The student will :

  1. Recognise the word with the sound É orally
  2. Read and find the word where it can be read É
  3. Read and choose the word with the sound É
  4. Type the missing syllable


There are 45 self-checked slides



⭐ Activité de conscience phonologique ou phonologie de niveau CP qui permettra à vos élèves de travailler le son CH associé à des sons voyelles simples | Thème de l’ Automne (chasse aux feuilles)


L élève :

1. Reconnait le mot qui contient le son É oralement

2. Lit et trouve le mot qui contient le son É en écrit

3. Lit et choisit le mot contenant É

4. Tape la fusion consonne + É


Il y a 45 diapos auto correctives



⭐This Awesome Digital GOOGLE SLIDES Game is:

  • perfect for Google Classroom, distance learning, centers, etc.
  • self-checking
  • highly accessible – students can play it on any device with Internet – iPad, laptop, Chromebook, even smartphone



This game is also available with BOOM CARDS