⭐ French Spring Activities | Activités pour le Printemps: this is set 2 of a bundle of digital vocabulary practice for BOOM CARDS. In this set, your French Second Language students will learn about Spring-related vocabulary words in French .
⭐How does the game work?
Students needs to complete the game in the slideshow mode. There are 10 levels with 2 questions each.
⭐This Awesome Digital BOOM CARDS Game is:
- perfect for Google Classroom, distance learning, centers, etc.
- self-checking
- highly accessible – students can play it on any device with Internet – iPad, laptop, Chromebook, even smartphone
⭐ Vocabulary taught is:
oiseau, fleur, jonquilles, abeille, grenouille, canard, poussin, papillon, ver de terre, escargot, sauterelle, arc-en-ciel, pluie, imperméable, soleil, printemps, coccinelle, feuille, arrosoir, cerf-volant
This game is also available in the format GOOGLE SLIDES