
Adjectifs Possessifs in French BOOM CARDS Family SET 2


🧡 Digital Game to work on the vocabulary of family, the possessive adjective mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, and to recap notions of masculine, feminine, plural, singular

💚 Activité pour travailler le vocabulaire de la famille et l’adjectif possessif mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, ainsi que de revoir les notions de masculin, féminin, pluriel, singulier.


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⭐ Digital Game to work on the vocabulary of family & Adjectifs Possessifs in Frenchh mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, and to recap notions of masculine, feminine, plural, singular | Activité pour travailler le vocabulaire de la famille et l’adjectif possessif mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, ainsi que de revoir les notions de masculin, féminin, pluriel, singulier.

The task cards are self-checking. There are 20 cards in total.


⭐⭐ Why choosing BOOM CARDS

  • INTERACTIVE: game features keep the student engaged and motivated
  • SELF-GRADING: save a lot of time, track students’ grades
  • PAPERLESS: no cutting, laminating, can be used for distance learning

The BOOM LEARNING starter account is free. You can upgrade your account which allows you to monitor students (time spent, errors, score, synchronisation with Google Classroom, etc…)


⭐ ⭐⭐ Can I Use the Boom Cards with SeeSaw, Google Classroom, or other Learning Management Systems?

There are two ways you can use these with SeeSaw, Google Classroom, or other learning management systems. You could even assign these by email. You can assign the fast pin in SeeSaw or other platforms and students can click the link to play. Student will not need to log into an account with this method, but data will not be saved. The other method is to use with a Boom Learning account, which starts at $25 a year and has a free trial period to new users. You can then keep a record and monitor their progress.



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