
French New Year Worksheets Resolutions Goal Setting 2024 Nouvel An Nouvelle année


🧡 Updated for New Years 2023! This New Year’s bundle of worksheets is the perfect resource to encourage your French students to reflect on the previous year, look forward to the next, and set New Year’s resolutions and goals!!

💚 Mis à jour pour la Nouvelle Année 2023 ! Cet ensemble pour le nouvel an est la ressource idéale pour encourager vos élèves de français à réfléchir sur l’année précédente, prendre des résolutions et se fixer des objectifs  !


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⭐️ These French New Year worksheets are updated for New Years 2024!

These New Year’s worksheets and Printable are the perfect resource to encourage your French students to reflect on the previous year, look forward to the next, and set New Year’s resolutions and goals!!


Students can choose from these activities

★ Recap 2023 with their favorite things

★ Reflect on 2023 and what they’re most proud of, what they’ve achieved, learnt and their most difficult moment

★ Choose 4 things they are grateful for

★ Include their academic, personal and social goals in 2024

★ List what they are looking forward to in 2024

★ Complete sentences about their goals in 2024 (prompts)

★ Choose one word for 2024 and give 3 actions to achieve it

★ List goals according to the numbers in the year 2024 (eg 2 for two things you liked and would like to continue next year…)


16 pages in colour (change settings while printing if you need in black and white)

Some are A4 sheets, some are booklet-type