
Physical Traits in french GOOGLE SLIDES Descriptions Physiques | Reading SET 2


🧡 Digital reading GOOGLE SLIDES activity for your French students to reinforce the vocabulary of French physical descriptions , traits (hair eyes)

💚 Activité de lecture pour assimiler le vocabulaire des descriptions physiques (yeux et cheveux)


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⭐ Digital reading GOOGLE SLIDES activity for your French students to reinforce the vocabulary of French physical descriptions , physical traits in french (hair eyes) | Describing people | Activité de lecture pour assimiler le vocabulaire des descriptions physiques (yeux et cheveux).

The vocabulary used is : il a, elle a, les yeux, bleus, marron, verts, noirs, les cheveux, bruns, blonds, roux, raides, frisés, longs, courts.

Students will

  • read the sentence, look at the picture and choose the missing word amongst two suggestions

There are 39 self-checking SLIDES.


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